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How to Develop the Habit of Deep Breathing


In our busy lives, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget the simplest, yet most crucial aspect of our well-being, the breath. Deep breathing has numerous benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving mental clarity, energy, and mood. Many ancient texts even suggest that it can also extend the years of your life! This post is going to show you how to get into the habit of breathing deeper so you can harness the powerful benefits and elevate your life.

In most societies around the world, is it rare to be taught how to breathe, and that our breath has the power to dramatically enhance the quality of our life. Most of us breathe minimally, just enough to survive and don't consider how much better we could feel if we just took a little bit more time to practice controlling and regulating our own life force energy.

Mindful breathing doesn’t cost a penny, you don’t need a prescription in order to do it, and it is something that can help anyone feel significantly better. When we feel better, each day tends to seem a little brighter, easier, and dare I say, sparklier. Just in case you could use some more ease and sparkliness in your life, I listed some effective tips below to help you to breathe a little deeper throughout the day.

Igniting the Habit

The first step to cultivating the habit of deeper breathing is simply becoming aware of your breath. Start by observing your natural breathing pattern without trying to change it. Notice if your breath is shallow or confined to your chest. This practice of mindfulness is crucial in understanding your current breathing habits. When you get in the habit of being mindful of how you’re breathing, you will become aware of where your breath needs improvement, allowing you to make better use of your lung capacity. If you haven’t yet read my blog post on mindfulness, I highly recommend checking it out.

As with any new habit, establishing a routine of deep breathing will require the most effort when you are just starting out. At first, it might feel unfamiliar or even awkward to take deeper breaths, however with regular practice it will become easier, and start to happen more subconsciously. Below is a series of tips to help you become mindful of your breath and develop the habit of deep breathing.

Start Right When You Wake Up

When you include deep breathing in your morning routine, you set a positive tone for the whole day. Your energy increases, your stress levels decrease, and as a result, your day feels easier, happier, and more productive. Here is a practice you can do before even getting out of bed that will help you begin to focus your mind on your breath.

Morning Mindfulness Practice

Take a few moments to close your eyes and notice how your natural breath feels inside your lungs. Focus on the areas of your body that your breath expands into. Place one hand on your chest and the other hand on your belly. Notice which area is moving more and ask yourself questions like “What sound does the breath create in my throat?” or “What is the temperature of the air on the inhale versus the exhale?” These are all great things to notice that will help you focus your mind and maximize each breath you take.

How to Breathe Deeply

Begin to inhale through your nose, allowing your belly to expand forward and your chest to rise. Keep inhaling until your lungs are filled to their maximum capacity (optionally, hold the breath for a few seconds if it’s comfortable), then exhale slowly through your mouth or nose. Empty the full contents of your lungs and lightly hug your navel inward toward your spine until the exhalation is complete. Repeat this for 5-10 breaths and then notice how you feel. Notice if your normal breaths are a little deeper than they were before, or if you feel a little more clarity. This technique is a very safe yet effective way to deepen your breath and it can be used at any time of the day.

Setting Reminders

Building new habits can often be quite challenging for a few reasons. Distractions can easily override our initial intention to make changes, and we often default to the habits that have already become second nature to us without even thinking about it. We naturally operate from our subconscious mind throughout the day, and it takes time and consistency to actually leave a deep-enough imprint (form new neural pathways) of any aspiring habits. Setting little reminders to go off at various times of the day will help you overcome these challenges and instill new habits in your life.

Use Phone Alarms

Set periodic reminders on your phone or smartwatch to prompt you to take deep breaths. A simple "Breathe" notification can be enough to bring your attention back to your breath. In addition to helping you remember to breathe, this is also a great tool for getting daily tasks done. If you ever need help sticking to your personal goals and staying consistent with positive habits of all kinds, alarms can really be your best friend.

Sticky Notes

If you prefer a more old school method, place sticky notes with reminders to breathe on your computer, bathroom mirror, or refrigerator. These visual cues can serve as gentle prompts and add a pop of color wherever you stick them.

Pair Deep Breathing with Routine Activities

I don't know about you, but I find it to be easier to stick to new habits when they are paired with other activities that I already do. For example, I can sometimes let too much time pass in between phone calls with my dad. So, to get in the habit of calling him more often, I put a little note in my car to “Call Dad” that reminds me to call him on longer drives. My mind now thinks about calling my dad the moment I step into my car.

Using this method, you can make it easier to remember to breathe deeper by incorporating it into your already existing activities and habits. For example, take a few deep breaths every time you sit down at your desk, before meals, or during your daily commute. Associating deep breathing with these regular activities, even if it’s only a few times, can help make deeper breathing a natural part of your day.

Use Technology

These days, we have so much digital help when it comes to habit-building, it’s nuts. Breathing apps and even smart watches offer a whole other level of accountability, gentle reminders, and some even have guided meditations you can listen to that help you stay relaxed and present.

Breathing Apps

There are numerous apps designed to help you practice deep breathing, such as Calm, Headspace, or Breathe. These apps can guide you through breathing exercises and remind you to take regular breathing breaks.

Wearable Devices

Some fitness trackers and smartwatches have built-in breathing exercises and reminders. Utilize these features to help you remember to breathe deeply throughout the day.

Create Dedicated Breathing Spaces

There is something so peaceful and inviting about a curated space that is designated for spiritual practice. These spaces might simply be quiet corners or comfortable chairs where you can lay down or sit, and focus on your breath for a few minutes. Just knowing you have these spaces intentionally positioned or even decorated (if you so choose) can encourage you to take regular breathing breaks.

Use Aromatherapy

Essential oils like lavender, citrus, eucalyptus, and rose are pretty great at enhancing the state of relaxation, and calming scents like these can make the act of breathing deeper much more enjoyable too. It’s naturally easier and more obvious to take big breaths when you are smelling something delicious, right? My favorite ways to enjoy essential oils is in an oil diffuser or by applying a few drops to my wrists or temples (if your skin is not too sensitive).

Engage in Breath-Focused Activities

Yoga and Tai Chi

These practices emphasize deep, controlled breathing as one the main focuses throughout the entire experience. Regular practice will naturally improve your breath awareness, encouraging deeper and more controlled breathing all throughout the day.

Singing, Chanting and Playing Wind Instruments

Chanting or playing wind instruments provide very similar benefits to the mind and body like breathwork does. Just as singing can strengthen your breathing muscles and improve your ability to take deep breaths, practicing deeper breathing can help with your singing and wind instrument game as well. These practices compliment each other, and they all contribute to a lower heart rate, focused mind, and calm nature.

Reflect and Review the Day

Before bed each night, take a little moment to reflect on your breathing over the course of the day. Consider how often you remembered to breathe deeply and how it made you feel. This end of the day reflection and recollection of the most impactful moments will reinforce the imprint of this new habit and help you make adjustments for the next day.

Final Thoughts

Whether you experience stress on a daily basis or just want to become a little more intentional in your daily life, practicing deep breathing can help you feel more calm, connected, and focused. Every day that you practice will naturally feel a little different, so allow your moments of deep breathing to compliment the ebbs and flows of your life. Use this as the de-stressing, life-enhancing tool that it’s intended to be.

By implementing the tips that I’ve covered here, and with consistency, deeper breathing will become a habit before you know it. You will begin noticing a positive shift in your mood and mental disposition, and considering how good you’ll begin to feel, you soon won’t be able to imagine your life without it.

Happy breathing, Liz

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